Music is the Soundtrack to Life

Tag recording

Summer Days

Spending much of my early childhood in New Zealand made a big impression on me. The weather was good and the winter’s warmer. Out the back of where we lived in Auckland there was a little bamboo forest in which… Continue Reading →

Summer Days

Spending much of my early childhood in New Zealand made a big impression on me. The weather was good and the winter’s warmer. Out the back of where we lived in Auckland there was a little bamboo forest in which… Continue Reading →

It’s Alive

I can’t believe that this synth has been with me for over 30 years. I bought the Korg M1R when I got my record deal with BMG Records and it is still with me. I have been working on a song “Man With A… Continue Reading →

My first bass guitar

It has been a long time since I had the opportunity to work with a good bass player. The last bass player that I recorded and performed with was Tony Stewart, he was great to work with and if things had… Continue Reading →

My First Gig And How It Changed Me

I thought on the back of my last post I would upload the video of our live performance of We’ll Leave This Town.   This video was 404’s first gig prior performed at The Station Hotel in Billingham January 19th, 1990…. Continue Reading →

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