We woke up to a beautiful view the loch was like glass and I rushed out to take these photos.

The stunning views are one thing that love about Scotland, I never tire of them. I could just sit there all day watching the light change on the loch but my wife had other plans, which meant that we had to get on the road to the Isle of Skye.

Things had changed from when my wife last visited Skye, she was frantic about filling up the car with fuel, because apparently there was no petrol stations on Skye, how I enjoyed pointing out all the petrol stations as we passed them. She told me how everything had changed, since the last time she had visited the island. The bridge had made it easier to visit and the roads were in parts quite busy, but we enjoyed driving around Skye, it was very different to Lochcarron. Of course, things would have been even better if these were not the times of Covid19. We visited Dunvegan Castle, which claims to be the oldest continuously inhabited castle in Scotland and it is the ancestral home of the Chiefs of the clan McCloud, but the castle was closed due to Covid19 so we headed down to Talisker Whiskey Distillery which again was closed, except for the shop which we had to queue for. We had come such a long way we thought that we deserved a treat and stood in the queue.

Unfortunately,  we didn’t get to go up to the Cuillen Range, but we did get to see what my wife calls the wee beasties for a photo opportunity.

It was nice to get back to our little Scottish cottage and taste a little bit of Scotland. In my next post I will write about the Applecross Pass.